Astral Travel & Dreaming
The Matrixblogger reports about his own dreams, lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences. Be a part of the Matrixbloggers experiences beyond the allday reality and how he has reached a certain state of the mind to have fantastic dreams, lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences. Visit with him strange worlds full of truths and amazing moments.
Ego-induced Dreams and False Awakening
Retrieving: The Ghost on the Toilet
Reincarnation Memories: In the Camp of the Prisoners
Guest Post: Strange phenomenon after an Accident
Dreamnight: Dream Power
Dreamnight: At the Horse Racing
Dreamnight: A long Lucid Dream Series
Astral Journey Technique: The Star Field
Dreamnight: Back into the Future
Dreamnight: The Dream Festival of the Lucid Dreamers
Reincarnation Memory: Monk Johannes
Dreamnight: The Dark Book
Reincarnation Memory: In Love with Kari
Jonathan’s Dream
Dreamnight: Tersus’ Theater
Dreamnight: Scotty beam me up (part 2)
Dreamnight: Scotty, beam me up! (part 1)
Dream Archive: Sex within a lucid Dream
Dreamnight: Double and triple Dreams
Dreamnight: Body-Shifting – Romeo and Juliette in Future
Dream Archive: Encounter with Jesus
Reincarnation memory: Afghanistan
Dream Archive: How a lucid Dream is generated
Dream archive: Achieving Astral Journeys with Sex
Dreamnight: Being a Dream Spy in Area 51
Dreamnight: The City Assantipoutilis
Reincarnation Memories: The World in the Sphere
Guest Post: The desperate Mother
Dreamnight: The one way Portal
Dreamnight: I met two extraterrestrial Races tonight