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Dreamnight: At the Horse Racing

“Dreamnight” is a series in which I consciously concentrate on experiencing a lucid dream or an out-of-body experience or in which I report an interesting or extraordinary dream or memories of my subconsciousness as well as telepathic connections to other people (Dream spying).

I was on a hill and looked out over a wide prairie. Here I could see many miles, and in all the desert-like surroundings I recognized several towers.

They were about 30 meters high and had a large walk-in platform leading into the interior of the building. Next to me stood a woman, about the end of 20, with long, brown hair.

books of the matrixblogger spiritual dissociation

“These towers are something like playlights,” she said.

“We can go to one of the towers if you want.”

“What are you playing there?”

“Let me surprise you! Many people come here and participate in the games. You’ll see…”

After she had said these words, we went down the slope to some of the cars that were standing there. They looked like motorcycles, but their wheels looked like they were made of aluminum and were very narrow, and they looked more like slices. The bike reminded me of a visit to the hereafter, when I visited an old friend I had lost in my youth during an accident. He had already been waiting for me there, and he had created two motorbikes with me, with which, like the savages, we hunted along a very long country road at full speed. It was really great fun!

“Here, take one and let us go over …” she suggested.

I sat down on one of the motorcycles and at the same moment I was surrounded by a sort of umbrella, which probably protected me from the wind and weather. In front of me was a display, which at first glance looked like a navigation device. But it seemed to me somehow more militant with a cross-point in the middle, which probably indicated my direction and calculated distances. The tower was about 2 km away as indicated. There was a button I could push, and then I could throttle in the classic way. A circuit did not exist, this was completely automatic.

Now I raced with this bike at a fairly high speed to one of the towers. The ride was quite adventurous, albeit very short. I think I reached a speed of about 230 m/h, but I was sure that it could go even faster. I was astonished at the ease with which the vehicle was to be used, and also that the wheels did not leave any obvious furrows in the ground. I thought about the weight and the narrow metallic tires might leave a deep imprint in the ground, but that was not true.

When we got there, I saw the woman was already running up the slope. She had been there a little faster than me. So I turned off the bike and ran after her. At the end of the climb stood a man in a blue suit, very muscular and broadly built. He looked like a doorman. He did not seem to have any other service, for he immediately asked me whether I was invited or not. I told him that I belonged to the woman who went in there before me. Then he let me pass.

Inside I got to a large foyer. It reminded me a bit of a station or airport hall. On the wall I saw a huge table, which was often observed there. There were several names of horses on it, and people could then make a bet on one of them. So I was at a horse-racing in the future, I thought amused.

When I went through the names, the name “Trust 7” seemed to me very sympathetic and I thought I was betting on this horse. Then I went further inside, to find the race track and also the woman. Now I stood on a sort of grandstand and as you can see from the television, the difference to a horse-drawn race was not much different. The ads were all digital and on several monitors you could recognize the rushing horses. People cheered and cursed.

“Our horses are about to start,” said the woman, who was now beside me.

“You took Trust 7?”

“Yes, right. He seems sympathetic,” I said.

“There are several horses with this name: Trust 5, Trust 9, etc. Trust 7 has won many races. The quota is not very high for him.”

She then showed me her horse, on which she had betted. Unfortunately I forgot the name. Suddenly there was a loud sound. Our race started… I saw the horses jump out of their boxes and let go. We watched for a while until I awoke.

See also:
The Books of the Matrixblogger in English
The “Matrixxer” on Youtube! Great videos about all the topics that you can find within this blog

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