Astral Travel & Dreaming
The Matrixblogger reports about his own dreams, lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences. Be a part of the Matrixbloggers experiences beyond the allday reality and how he has reached a certain state of the mind to have fantastic dreams, lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences. Visit with him strange worlds full of truths and amazing moments.
Dreamnight: The Sandman and the Apeman
Dreamnight: Holy Springs – Astral Journey to Planets
Dreamnight: Astral Clairaudience
Retrieving: The Train and the lost Souls
Dreamnight: About Sleeping Disorders, Visions and Werewolves
Dreamnight: Hot Visit from India
Dreamnight: A sudden Near-Death Experience
The old Lady: Last Preparations (Part 2)
Dreamnight: Journey into the 22nd Century
Dreamnight: In a Walt Disney Pyjama
The old Lady: Amazement (Part 1)
The Art of Dream Sharing: Dreaming together
Lucid Dreaming: What you can do within a Lucid Dream
Dreamnight: Developing Intuition in your Dreams
Dreamnight: Caught in a Time Loop
Dreamnight: Being alone on a Spaceship
Dreamnight: Demons and Astral Projections
Dreamnight: Astral Journey into an Underground Bases
Dreamnight: Alternative Reality – Travelling to India
Dreamnight: Also in the Dreams appears the Robot Man
Dream Archive: Jonathan the Time Traveler
Dream Archive: Awoken in another World
Dreamnight: Driving a Quad in a Dream
Dreamnight: Constantly in the Fire
Dreamnight: Arabian Nights in the Brothel
Dreamnight: A Magican in a Light Garment
Afterthoughts: The black Man – Part 2
Afterthoughts: The black Man – Part 1
Who’s afraid of the Black Man?
Dreamnight: The Black Shadow