Astral Travel & Dreaming
The Matrixblogger reports about his own dreams, lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences. Be a part of the Matrixbloggers experiences beyond the allday reality and how he has reached a certain state of the mind to have fantastic dreams, lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences. Visit with him strange worlds full of truths and amazing moments.
Technique: Personal Energy Protection Shield
Dreamnight: The Scoper
Dreamnight: Astral travelling and then visiting People
Dream Archive: The tyrannized Planet
Dreamnight: About Zapper and Privileged
Dreamnight: The caught Alien
Dreamnight: How empathy and telepathy works
What you can do within a lucid dream
Dreamnight: Aleister Crowley and the Stone of the Pyramid
Dreamnight: A whole life in a Dream
Dreamnight: Alternative Reality 113: The Villa
Dreamnight: The elevator with the time machine
Addendum: I met David Bowie in the Beyond
Dreamnight: I met David Bowie in the Beyond
Questions and answers: Is a dream a process for the daily life?
SleepTalk and DreamTalk: New apps for dreaming
Dreamnight: The Land of Ozhei
Gamma frequencies are now letting you dream lucid!
Dreamnight: Being able to hear all conversations in the world
Best Techniques for Lucid Dreaming: The 7 combination Technique
Lucid Dreaming and Creativity and Critical Thinking (2)
Lucid Dreaming and Creativity and Critical Thinking (1)