“Dreamnight” is a series in which I consciously concentrate on experiencing a lucid dream or an out-of-body experience or in which I report an interesting or extraordinary dream or memories of my subconsciousness as well as telepathic connections to other people (Dream spying). I am a child and I amContinue Reading


Yesterday I had a conversation with an old woman, almost 90 years old. Her right side of her face was swollen, she had a wound over her eye, her right hand and arm were swollen and some bruises were here and there. She looked like she had fallen really hard.Continue Reading


People who are dealing with lucid dreaming, often ask themselves what can be done with this ability. The three “F’s” (Flying, fucking and food) which are often used within a lucid dream, can get boring after a while. Because of this reason, I will now give you an inspiring listContinue Reading

Pineal Gland Activation and decalcify the pineal gland

Originally, I had left Borax aside to support the pineal gland, as there are enough other possibilities to initiate a decalcification and this is a cleansing agent. However, I have now researched and found that Borax offers many possibilities, which should not be neglected. Not only does it contain substancesContinue Reading

lucid dreaming and therapeutic dreams

“Dreamnight” is a series in which I consciously concentrate on experiencing a lucid dream or an out-of-body experience or in which I report an interesting or extraordinary dream or memories of my subconsciousness as well as telepathic connections to other people ( Dream spying). After I entered the dream, IContinue Reading


DMT means “Dimethyltryptamine” and was injected from Dr. Rick Strassman with official permission to volunteers using chemical extraction of the active substance and recorded their experiences. Only 75 mg can be sufficient to trigger an unforgettable and intense experience, which leaves the assumption that the experiences experienced can only beContinue Reading