What is the Ego?
Leaving the Matrix

For Spiritual Beginners: What is the Ego? What is a Hybrid Self?

For Spiritual Beginners: What is the Ego? What is a Hybrid Self? What does the personality on earth consist of and how is it structured?

Every person has a so-called I, a first-person personality, also known as “ego†for short. You get this ego when you enter the earth or the matrix.

This is an additional implant that has various functions, including that it can cope with the everyday world and adheres to the laws and procedures agreed and established in the matrix.

Synonyms for the Ego

  • I
  • First-person Personality
  • Ego
  • Everyday Self
  • Consciousness
  • Self-image
  • Ego consciousness
  • Earth self
  • Earthly self
  • External self
  • Outer self
  • Thinking I
  • Day Consciousness
  • (Everyday) Role
  • Ego Construct
  • Head
  • Matrix-I
  • Matrix human
  • Right self
  • Analogue I
  • Ego Implant
  • I-Implants
  • Analog Self
  • Artificial Ego implant
  • (Upper) Focus Personality

At the same time, the ego has various filters that have the function of better coping with the harsh customs of the matrix and the strong duality. The strong emotions, such as anger, hatred, fear, but also love, compassion and loyalty, etc., are throttled by the ego in order not to put too much strain on the personality. Normally, such emotions are felt more strongly at a higher level. The emotions and feelings that people experience on earth are only a shadow of what is possible in terms of intensity.

books of the matrixblogger spiritual dissociation

However, the ego also throttles so-called paranormal and medial abilities in order to give every Matrix player equal starting conditions, such as the ability to have all sorts of paranormal abilities, such as telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, clairvoyance and much more. The ego is preinstalled in every physical body.

This is also done so that a personality that enters the matrix freshly or as soon as it reincarnates can enter the new body. The personality that enters a body is not an ego but rather a self. The distinction between ego and self is that the latter came from outside the matrix.

Having a big Ego or small ego

Having a big ego or a small one is measured by working with and on the ego. The stronger the ego, the stronger the filters are, but in turn the weaker the media abilities.

Working on your ego is also known as shadow work. This is not necessarily about completely dissolving the ego or fighting it, but rather about uniting it with the self or recognizing that the ego is an artificial construct, if you will, a hardened interpretation of perception or a pattern of perception.

Dissolving so-called ego patterns is therefore very important when embarking on the spiritual path. Because the stronger the ego is, the weaker is the access to contact with one’s higher self, one’s reincarnation memories and one’s own medial abilities.


If you play a lot of ego games, they usually only work by hiding your intentions from others so that you can continue to manipulate and cheat. A person who thinks like that would very much want to master the art of telepathy, but only on the condition that others cannot read him telepathically. Here you can see the conflict that learning telepathy triggers in the subconscious. Conclusion: You therefore have no access to your conscious telepathic ability, no matter how hard you try or train it.

If every person on earth suddenly mastered telepathy from one moment to the next, one can imagine what kind of tumult would then arise on this planet. Every person would have access to every hidden knowledge, every false flag operation, every fraud, every dark secret and you would immediately know who is behind which agenda. For this reason, almost no one in the Matrix wants to be able to use telepathy.

This is just one example mentioned. There are a hundred other media abilities that you might want, but there are also subconscious reasons against it that may not be so clear to you in your everyday consciousness.

Duality & Structure of the Hybrid Self

For this reason, every person on earth or within the matrix is ​​a hybrid personality – through the addition of the ego. This causes a sense of splitting necessary to experience duality within the matrix.

Synonyms for the Self

  • Inner self
  • Interior Self
  • Soul
  • Digital self
  • Incarnated self
  • Tuned self
  • Astral self
  • Astral I
  • Left Self
  • Actor

The ego and the self are therefore always in some kind of conflict and supports the perception of duality. The entire matrix has thus been literally programmed for duality, such as day and night, good and evil, light and dark, day and night, heaven and hell, youth and old age, war and peace, cleverness and stupidity, profit and loss, poor and realm, life and death, intuition and mind, right and left body, right and left brain, man and woman, anima and animus and so on.

If you think about this duality, you will certainly be able to find many other examples.

Usually the self occupies the left side of the body while the ego “sits” in the right. Although this duality is hardwired into the ego, the human body functions perfectly well – provided it is not poisoned or attacked. For this reason alone it follows that duality, like the ego, has a rather apparent existence.

The realization that duality is actually an illusion, just as the ego is a construct, can definitely be understood as an enlightenment.

The Personality Aspects

The ego itself is made up of a number of personality aspects. You could also call these character traits or roles. These characters are necessary to suggest a certain individuality and also to include elements that best suit the requirements of each soul.

Such personality aspects are also definable like anxious aspect, self-pitying aspect, loving aspect, depressive aspect, intellectual aspect, angry aspect etc.

“The Smurfs” as an animated film or comic is a good example here, because you could describe Gargamel as the ego and the Smurfs as aspects of his personality. This results from the naming of the Smurfs such as Papa Smurf, Craftsman Smurf, Vain Smurf, Smart Smurf, Hefty Smurf, Muffi Smurf, Clumsy Smurf, Lazy Smurf and Smurfette (as anima) etc.

These personality aspects are not as rigid and stubborn as the ego, but they are like children who are still developing. But different strands of reality are assigned to them. In common parlance, these would be referred to as views or perspectives. A person who, for example, has a strongly charged anger aspect would quickly become angry in all kinds of everyday situations.

Synonymous Personality Aspects

  • Aspects
  • Personality aspects
  • Characters
  • Character traits
  • Subconscious
  • Sharer
  • Personality parts
  • Roll
  • Ego layers
  • Dependent alternative personalities
  • Central parallel selves
  • Alter-Egos
  • Aspects-Level

Fear as the Base

Focusing on the ego and so-called ego inflating, exaggerated self-confidence, faking, camouflage and hiding are based solely on fear. Any motivation to get upset, to be angry, to criticize, to feel like you are better or smarter, to put yourself above others, to judge or to be arrogant or dismissive is based on the constant construction of a distorted self-image that comes from the Fear of not having enough self-confidence, for example, was born and the ego intends to achieve this in this way. Underneath all the camouflage and secret tricks, there is always one fear or another at the root.

See also:
Jonathan Dilas book “Spiritual Dissociation”
How do you use dissociation as a beginner?

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