how to learn astral projection 2024
Astral Travel & Dreaming

For Beginners: Technique: How to learn Astral Projection?

For beginners: How to learn Astral Projection? The best tips for Out-of-Body Experiences Guide (OBE)

Methods to use to get a good start on learning astral projection…

Occasionally I am asked if I have any tips on the best way to learn out of body experiences, i.e. astral projection. Well, it’s certainly understandable when I say that you have to use some techniques to achieve this and that it doesn’t come naturally.

First of all, you have to be aware that you automatically and naturally have an out-of-body experience every night. Unfortunately, you don’t take the memory of it with you into everyday life. And this is where you need to start in order to remember your nocturnal experiences and astral journeys. This means that you have to get your usual everyday consciousness not to switch off when you naturally switch to the astral body at night. The human mind is used to defining itself only through its physical body. Experiences that take place outside this body are skipped.

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For this reason, the following astral projection techniques:

Take a Nap

It is helpful if you can find an opportunity to lie down for an hour in the afternoon or early evening and take a nap. If you are awake for 16 hours a day and then go to bed, you are already very tired. Tiredness rarely promotes astral travel. However, if you have taken a nap in the afternoon, it helps that you are not too tired when you go to bed.

The right Relaxation Technique

It is often enough to lie on your back and watch your body relax. However, some people find this difficult and it is advisable to use one technique or another. The best techniques for this are the “Star Field Technique” or Binaural Beats. The latter are sound frequencies that you listen to through headphones and which help you reach a deep state of relaxation more quickly and easily.

It’s no problem to try out one or other relaxation technique to see which one works best for you. Some people prefer binaural beats, i.e. meditation music for relaxation with special frequencies, while others use classical music or simply pure frequencies that stimulate the astral body or a technique such as the star field technique.

Change your Sleep Rhythm

The normally advertised sleep rhythm of 16 hours awake and 8 hours asleep is not particularly conducive to astral projection. You can therefore either take a nap in the afternoon or change your sleep rhythm.

The following sleep rhythms are therefore possible and should be tried out:

  • 4 hours at night, 2 hours in the afternoon or evening
  • 5 hours at night, 1 hour in the afternoon
  • 3 hours at night and 3 hours in the afternoon

These different sleep rhythms are the best, as I have been able to test myself.

Sleep Deprivation Technique

With this technique, you only sleep 4 hours one night and 8-10 hours the following night. The effect is that the few REM phases in the first night are saved, so to speak, and can fully unfold in the second night. This results in an easier transition into the astral body and/or a lucid dream.

Change your Diet

A change in diet can also be very supportive, i.e. avoiding all types of flour and sugar. It provides even more support if you eat a purely alkaline diet, i.e. only salads, vegetables and beef. Everything else is left out! In this way, you enter ketosis, in which you save digestive energy and even lose pounds quickly. You should also avoid drinks of any kind, i.e. only drink low-fluoride water.

Some people have also had good results by fasting for a week. This resets the immune system and the energy that the body normally needs for digestion becomes available and can be redirected towards the goal of having an out-of-body experience.

The WBTB Technique

The WBTB technique is also a way of changing the sleep rhythm. For example, you go to bed at 10 p.m., sleep until 2 a.m. and then get up again for an hour. Then at 3 a.m. you go back to bed and concentrate on an out-of-body experience.

During the free hour from 2 a.m. to 3 a.m., it is advisable to read a book on astral travel and lucid dreaming. Alternatively, you can also watch videos on the Internet that deal with out-of-body experiences. After this return to bed and practice your favorite astral projection technique.

Ask for Help from Outside

Now when you are lying in bed at night and using your relaxation method, it is also helpful to ask for help. This means calling your higher self, an angel, your spirit guide or a deceased friend or relative and asking them to come over and help you have an out-of-body experience.

There are also other conscious astral travelers who move through the air at night and they also like to jump in to help someone. They hear your call, come to you and pull you out of your body. But you shouldn’t expect too much, because they pull at your body, help you to leave, but then disappear again straight away because they don’t feel like answering any strange questions.

Change our Expectations

What we expect is what we will encounter. This principle can also be applied to achieving out-of-body experiences, i.e. you don’t hope to have an out-of-body experience at night, but you absolutely expect to have one.

Out-of-body experiences are natural and the basic right of every human being. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. In prehistoric times, it was completely normal and commonplace to have out-of-body experiences and to remember them. Not only did cavemen, if I may call them that for the sake of simplicity, use their astral bodies to explore their surroundings in order to find food or a safe place to hide, but cats and other animals still use the art of projection regularly and daily to improve their sense of direction. How do you think a cat finds its way back home after being abandoned hundreds of kilometers away? Through astral projection!

Most people who suffer from Awareness During Sleep Paralysis (ASP) are afraid of it, but sleep paralysis is an important precursor to an projection. Interestingly, this fear of such people leads to a subconscious expectation: they expect (or fear) so much that it will happen again that it actually happens.

This is exactly the right attitude and the right way to build up an expectation, i.e. you can do the same with out-of-body experiences. If you worry or even just expect that you might have another projection, then it is much more likely to happen.

Some people expect to have more projections when the moon is full, and this is what happens. Some people expect to have more out-of-body experiences when their bed is facing north, and so they do. There is no real scientific basis for these beliefs, but if you change your expectations, they often become reality.

See also:
What is Astral Travel and What is Astral Projection?

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