Astral Travel & Dreaming

Dreamnight: Backdoors of the physical Matrix

“Dreamnight” is a series in which I consciously concentrate on experiencing a lucid dream or an out-of-body experience or in which I report an interesting or extraordinary dream or memories of my subconsciousness as well as telepathic connections to other people (Dream spying).

In this night I went went on a hike with a friend of mine.

We had already walked a bit and the night came closer. The environment was very rural and we already did not knew were we were exactly. It was time to find a guesthouse or a hotel.

books of the matrixblogger spiritual dissociation

We met a couple of pensioners who were standing in front of their house and we asked them about the way. They immediately invited us to a hot cocoa and then wanted to explain the way.

In their apartment we became the promised cocoa and a few slices of bread. We ate something and chatted.

They explained how it is the best to get to the next guest house, as the surrounding area had only one traffic lane and to get to it, you had to walk for a while.

While we were talking, I noticed that my cocoa had disappeared. I just could not believe it. I looked for it everywhere, but it was no longer to be found. The retired couple had gone to the kitchen next door. I was still wondering about the fact, how my cub could just disappear and I wondered about the possibilities for how it could have happened.

Of course, I could have assumed that the wife of the house had just taken it away, but that was not logical enough, because she had only served it a minute ago. I also haven’t put it unconsciously somewhere else. So it got lost in a different way.

I told my companion what had happened and she could not understand it correctly (the fact that I was in a dream, I did not realized immediately, which also had a reason that will be clarified later). So while I was sitting there and wondering, I noticed that one of the other cups, was slightly moving.

“Look, the cup just turned around its axis!” I said.

When she looked, nothing happened. Only after a few attemptsshe got it.

Now I asked the ghost to turn the whole table. It seemed to understand me and turned the table a bit. We were convinced that there was a ghost in this house.

When the older woman came back, we told her what had just happened. She looked at us in disbelief, but we could fortunately prove her right. So she sat down in an armchair and I asked the ghoest to move the table. Only a few seconds later the table moved, at first tentatively, but then clearly and intensely.

Meanwhile, the table was even a little loud, and because of this strong manifestation, I asked the unknown mind to make itself visible. In fact, shortly afterwards, we realized a fog loop over the table. It seemed like it was a male spirit.

“Where do you come from?”

The woman asked the ghost, but it could not answer. Nevertheless, it now moved through the room and I stood up to follow the spirit.

“I’ll try to find out where the mind goes. Maybe we can follow it,” I explained, slowly becoming more and more aware of the dream.

I followed the spirit and my lucidity increased. The ghost hovered into the hallway and moved toward the right wall. Suddenly the wall opened like there is a hidden door or something. This door looked amazingly physically and I was sure that this spirit had used a backdoor of the matrix, which is a secret backdoor in a reality to get from one world to another.

As the ghost went through this door and disappeared, it slowly closed again. Without thinking too long, I slipped through the door and was too curious to know where the ghost was planning to lead me.

On the other side of the door, I was completely surprised and couldn’t believe what I saw. The spirit I had just seen as a mist was now a bearded man in a white robe with a golden belt. The spirit only appeared as such in our reality, but here it was just as “physically” and distinctly recognizable like the people in my world. So I had actually landed in a completely different world.

Everywhere I discovered beautiful buildings in ancient Roman and ancient Greek style. The stairs leading to the buildings were made of marble. Arcades and well-placed columns, partly covered with green ivy, graced the white paths. It was an antique but fantastic sight!

So I ran around this world and asked myself where I had landed at all. Probably, I suspected, I had landed in the middle astral plane in one of the ancient villages that existed there. Otherwise, I could not explain this beautiful world to which I had found secret access. So far I have not been so aware in one of these ‘villages’. The tales of their imagination and beauty were not lying. It was really a great fantastic sight.

Now I realized why I had not been lucid at the beginning, because if I would have been, I would have never found this back door of the Matrix! By giving the lead to my higher self, I could demonstrate something.

I wondered how to use such doors in my everyday physical reality. Since the everyday life is also a dream world, if also extremely slowed down and thus highly stable, it also has to be possible to use such doors.

How could they be opened? Can you compare them with a wormhole, a hyperspace door, or was it just a usual door that that you can open that leads you into another world?

With these thoughts I ran through this charming world and enjoyed the ancient atmosphere of past epochs.

See also:
The Books of the Matrixblogger in English
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