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What is the Moon and has it always been in the Sky?

What is the Moon and has it always been in the Sky?

What is the moon and has it always been in the sky? This is the question that concerns few people. Here is the answer.

Scientists have always wondered about the moon because it looks different than all the other moons in our solar system. It also has properties that contradict the normal behavior of moons:

The Anomalies of the Moon

The Moon – More strange discrepancies

To clarify these lunar anomalies once and for all, astronomer Arthur Briaud and his colleagues collected data from space missions and laser rangefinder experiments on the Moon to create a profile of various lunar features.

These included the degree of its deformation due to gravitational interaction with the Earth, the fluctuations in its distance from the Earth, and its density.

The Moon is made of iron?

They found that the moon’s core is very similar to that of the Earth – with an outer liquid layer and a solid inner core. According to their modeling, the outer core had a radius of about 362 kilometers and the inner core had a radius of about 258 kilometers. That’s about 15 percent of the moon’s entire radius.

The team subsequently found that the inner core has a density of about 7,822 kilograms per cubic meter. This is extremely close to the density of iron. At this point, the official opinion arose for the first time that the moon is not a rock, but a ball made of an unknown element that is very close to iron!

NASA research

Oddly enough, in 2011, a team led by senior NASA planetary scientist Renee Weber came to a similar conclusion by using and comparing then-state-of-the-art seismological techniques to study the lunar core with Apollo data. They found evidence of a solid inner core with a radius of about 240 kilometers and a density of about 8,000 kilograms per cubic meter. This confirmed the presence of only one comparable element such as iron.

As early as 1970, two Soviet astronomers examined the satellite and put forward the theory that the moon was probably a hollow body created by a highly developed alien race. Their theory was based on the observed anomalies and claimed that the Moon was an artificial shell that had been inhabited for millennia and was deliberately placed in this location and at a very specific distance from Earth.

While it may seem far-fetched that we are being monitored by an alien race on the moon, or that a hollow moon was intentionally placed in Earth’s orbit as a secret lunar base, there are a wealth of unexplained facts about its relationship to Earth. To date, there are several theories that attempt to explain how the Moon ended up in our planet’s orbit, although none of them have been absolutely accepted, leading many to now believe that the Moon was a spacecraft.

Quakes have also been detected on the moon. These last longer than earthquakes on Earth. In addition, moonquakes produce a hollow sound that is similar to the sound of a bell. This also gave rise to the assumption that the moon must be hollow.

NASA also conducted experiments during Apollo flights 13, 14, 15 and 16. Their scientists then identified four types of moonquakes: deep quakes less than 700 kilometers, earthquakes caused by meteorites, thermal quakes and shallow quakes that only occur in 20 to 30 kilometers deep. Shallow moonquakes, like those triggered by NASA, lasted the longest and had the most devastating effects – some even reaching magnitudes of up to 5.5 on the Richter scale. Shallow moonquakes also occur on the moon, although scientists don’t yet know exactly what causes them. And based on these measurements, they came to the same conclusion: the moon must be hollow.

The Moon is artificial?

Not to mention that in terms of angular size, the moon is about 400 times smaller than the sun and about 400 times closer to us. A strange number that completely agrees here. It is therefore the same size as the sun, which completely obscures it during a solar eclipse. The moon also protects us from asteroids and controls our tides. And all of this came about naturally? That’s hard to believe.

To do this, simply consider the discrepancies that cannot be of natural origin, such as the distance and size of the moon, to enable an almost perfect eclipse. Likewise, the moon is really big compared to its host planet, it is even planet-sized and is therefore much larger than Pluto.

The moon also has a very unusual orbit, an almost perfect circle, which is absolutely very rare for a moon. And yet it fluctuates in distance from Earth in relation to its distance. This, usually, only happens with satellites or spacecraft that require repeated course correction to maintain the established orbit.

And despite the different diameters, almost all craters on the Moon have approximately the same depth. They are very shallow and don’t have much depth. This appears as if they only served as a shell or mantle for the moon.

Additionally, the Moon is tidally locked to the Earth, meaning it always shows us the same side because it rotates around itself in the same amount of time it takes to orbit the Earth. This contradiction is very striking, because what do people see in the sky? Some even suggest that it could be some kind of plasma screen, a type of projection that presents a natural image of a moon, thus hiding the moon’s true appearance.

In addition, the surface material on the Moon is actually older than the deeper layers, which should actually be the other way around if it were a natural satellite.

There is just as much evidence that the moon is not what we were told. There is evidence that shows that there was a time on Earth when there was no moon. NASA doesn’t have a useful explanation for how our moon got into our sky – literally, but it can of course easily explain most of the other moons in our solar system.

Legends of Times before the Moon

Ancient human civilizations on several continents around the world speak of the time before the arrival of the moon – and with it our ocean tides, seasons and the best conditions for an abundance of life. However, there is a wealth of evidence that important information about our moon and the Apollo landings was withheld from the general public.


According to Zulu legend, our moon was created by two brothers with scaly, fish-like skin. Legend tells of Wowane and Mpanku, who brought the moon to Earth after stealing it from a large “Fire dragon.” They are said to have emptied the egg-shaped satellite of its “yolk” and then put it into orbit around the Earth. Previously, the planet was said to have been shrouded in a blanket of watery fog that rained down on Earth as soon as the moon entered orbit.

Giordano Bruno (16th century Italian philosopher) wrote in “De Immenso“: “There are people who believe that there was a certain time when the moon, which was believed to be younger than the sun, was not yet created. The Arcadians, who lived not far from the Po, are said to have existed before the moon.”

Theodorus writes in his first book that the moon appeared shortly before the war that Hercules waged against the giants. Aristochius and Dionysius Chalcidensis, in the first of their works, confirm the same: “Mnaseas said that the Arcadians were born before the moon, and so they were called ‘proselenic’, meaning ‘before the moon’.”

Plutarch, Hippolytus, Censorinus and Lucian wrote about people who lived before the moon, as did Ovid, who said that the Arcadians owned their land before the birth of Jova and were older than the moon.

The famous Aristotle once wrote that there was a time when the moon did not yet exist and could not yet be seen in the sky. He researched this about the Palestinians who lived and reported on Arkadia. Similarly, Apollonius of Rhodes, Greece, once explained that the moon was not always visible in the sky and at some point suddenly appeared in the sky. The Arcadians confirmed this knowledge through oral traditions from this pre-moon period.

In Bolivia you can find ancient cave paintings near Kalassia, i.e. H. According to Chibcha tribesmen: “…in the earliest times, when the moon was not yet in the sky”. Probably from the year 1300 BC, they say that thousands of years ago the moon suddenly came into the orbit of the earth and from then on stood in the sky.

There are also the ancient Indians from the highlands of Bogota, Colombia, who also have legends that speak of a time when the moon did not yet exist.

Velikovsky and the Bible

In the Velikovsky Archives, Volume 3, Number 1, Winter 1973, there exists an interesting article by Velikovsky entitled “Earth without a Moon”. In this article, Velikovsky confirmed that some ancient Greek authors, e.g. B. Aristotle, Democritus and Anaxagoras, reported that some tribes dated their origins to times when no moon could be seen in the sky.

In the Bible, Genesis, the moon is first mentioned by Joseph. See Genesis 37:9. The months are first mentioned in Genesis 7:11 in connection with the flood of Noah’s time. An interesting note.

According to the Bible, the flood began on the seventeenth day of the second month (Genesis 7:11). This could perhaps have been Earth’s capture of the Moon, which may have helped trigger the Flood. Thus, the first appearance of the moon (or the first month) may have been the sign for Noah to build the ark.

Perhaps the moon was so close to the earth on the tenth day of the second month that Noah was invited to enter the ark as a sign of the coming flood (Genesis 7:1-10). Then, on the seventeenth day of the second month, the moon exerted its catastrophic influence and apparently this caused the flood on the earth. But you can’t be sure about that.

It is therefore quite obvious that the moon has not been up there in the sky since Earth existed and only first appeared in the sky around 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. It also appears as if the moon is artificial, hollow and not a natural satellite.

But where did the moon come from and who placed it there? However, this will be discussed another time.

See also:
Jonathan Dilas book “Spiritual Dissociation”
What is the Matrix?

“The Time Before The Moon”, Kameron Williams
„Before the Moon: A Complete History of the New World Order“, Mark Loughman
The Conspiracy behind Emmerichs Moonfall
Mysterious Radio

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