There are actually only three main stages for spiritual awakening, but these can be subdivided into intermediate stages. This results in 7 stages for spiritual awakening in the matrix.
It is very important to know these 7 stages so that you know where you are at the moment and what to expect next. So that you can also look at yourself to see how far you are on your spiritual path, i.e. on the path to your true self and out of the matrix and therefore, of course, out of the matrix.
I have therefore divided the stages of awakening into seven stages below…
Stage 1: The Awakening of the Pineal Gland
The first, and I would say very important, step. This should already occur in order to be able to take the further stages and that is initiation.
Now you could say that the awakening of the pineal gland, and the way this manifests itself, can generally be described as when people reach middle age, i.e. the midlife crisis, they start to think about their lives.
They often change their diet to a healthier one and often change their entire lifestyle. As a result, they don’t even know that they need to decalcify their pineal gland.
Suddenly a little bit starts to glow. A little bit more and more and, as I have noticed, it is the initiation for many people to rethink and move more in the direction of spirituality. The person in question then suddenly gets a broader view of the whole story of their life.
Of course, there are also people who were born with an active pineal gland from the outset. They don’t have to do much for this awakening. They just have to pursue it, refine it and activate it. There are, of course, other ways.
How do you activate level 1?
How a person’s pineal gland is suddenly awakened by an emotional shock, a stress or a dream and anything that puts them into a state of shock, an emotional shock. The pineal gland can then suddenly awaken and suddenly the view of everything is completely different.
As Rumi once said: “The injury is the opening through which the light can penetrate.”
You can’t necessarily imagine that much now. How does it look? What does the pineal gland do then? Does it then go: “Wow! Now I’m awake!”?
So the first symptoms, I would say, are that you suddenly become interested in spiritual abilities. For example, you’re interested in becoming a healer or you’re fascinated by fantasy imagery or you feel magically drawn to any forest. You enjoy your walks in the woods. These are the first signs.
Other signs are that you can remember your dreams better or that you occasionally have the feeling that you can put yourself in other people’s shoes better (building up empathy).
Your empathic abilities also increase and/or your intuition improves. And these are the beginnings, I would say, of when the pineal gland becomes more active in humans. You may have noticed this in friends before, that they suddenly have a little change of heart and suddenly become interested in such topics, even though you previously thought that nothing would happen to them in this life!
I have also received many emails from people who have said:
“You won’t believe it, but my parents have always closed their minds to such things. And now they’re suddenly starting to read books like this! They want to buy books that have to do with spirituality or are interested in spiritual things or want to hear something from me and things like that.”
So you can already see a change taking place in the world.
If I think back 20 years, for example, because I’ve been writing in my (german) matrix blog for almost 20 years now years in my matrix blog, it was rarely the case that anyone wrote to me personally. Nowadays, many more people write to me. They write about spiritual things and how they are developing, what they have experienced and how it has worked out for them. And at this point I can already see a strong increase in interest in spiritual and magical things. Things that take you further in life on your personal inward journey.
Even if you look at the seminars that were offered ten years ago compared to those offered today, i.e. the seminars and the topics, they are now very different to what they were 10 years ago. Back then it was just Reiki, tarot, astrology and the like. And nowadays people are much more interested in the matrix. They are actually becoming open to the fact that there is a completely different thing going on behind the scenes than what they are told in public and that they had nothing to do with before.
The topics were more esoteric back then. So esoteric in the sense of Reiki, card reading, horoscopes and so on. Back then, people would come up to you and say: “Yes, I would like to have a horoscope drawn up now…”.
And interest in these esoteric topics has faded more and more into the background. Nowadays, however, the shift is more and more towards spirituality, activating one’s inner abilities and learning astral travel, lucid dreaming and so on.
and so on.
How to activate your pineal gland with tools
The first big issue is nutrition. Opinions are divided on this. And then, of course, dietary supplements. This means activating the pineal gland: cedar nut oil, chlorella and spirulina. Also zeolite and bentonite. In addition, enterosgel, as this also helps very well against chemtrails. In addition, smoking can also be a good antidote to chemtrails if the cigarette brand does not contain any additives, i.e. none of the well-known common brands.
So all the things I have listed here not only help to decalcify the pineal gland, but also to really clean up and detoxify the whole body. These food supplements are just a rough guide to give you a rough overview of the ways in which the pineal gland can be decalcified.
Other options are of course spiritual literature and alternative blogs. Also spiritual books, good channeling material, such as Seth (see Jane Roberts) or books by Carlos Castaneda. Just stay away from the mainstream media at this point, as they have their own interpretation of reality.
There is also literature for absolute beginners to slowly introduce them to the spiritual topic. For example, there is the Euphoria series by Nina Nell. You can give it to your parents as a gift. Although it is a fantasy book series, it has a lot of inspiration and advice.
Richard Bach is also recommended. Here: “The Seagull Jonathan”. This is his best-known work – or the work “Illusions” is also highly recommended. And these are intended for people who are approaching the first stage of awakening.
Stage 2: Awakening from the System
This stage concerns the machinations and true leaders in politics, business, “health” and wealth management. There is a lot going on behind the scenes that you cannot see directly. Behind the government that you know from your own country, there is actually another government that operates globally. The first people realize that there is something wrong with this world and this prompts them to do their own research.
People have already been to the moon and there are computers with which you can do the greatest things, but they still want a mommy or a daddy, i.e. a government. A government that tells them what to do and what not to do, i.e. whether you can fish, where you can park, whether you can breathe (see the CO2 tax), how much you can earn and what you have to give away and so on. At this point, take a look at the arms industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the food industry and so on.
At this point, you can already see that all governments are always backing the same horse. Interestingly, as soon as a rule has been devised somewhere, the other states also consider copying it. And why is that? That’s when you start thinking. And at some point, in the second stage of awakening, you realize: “Yes, listen! All the heads of government are strangely similar!”
And that’s because all governments, or at least most of them, are influenced and controlled by a shadow government. The shadow government behind all governments is the so-called deep state. And it can say to any state at any time: “Here – CO2 taxes. We have to enforce this now!”
And then the governments follow, saying: “Yes, climate change! We need to introduce a CO2 tax so that climate change gets better and we can save the environment.”
And anyone who becomes suspicious here, does more and more research and realizes that they have entered the second stage of awakening. In other words, you gradually understand that all these governments are being controlled. You increasingly understand that you are only dealing with puppets in politics. And at this point you start to question how the system is structured, what is real and what is not.
You suddenly realize on television, in films and series and in the mainstream media that all the news is always trying to influence people in a certain direction. this often happens with so-called narratives, i.e. certain belief structures are built into the films. Example: The legend of vampires is no longer based on mysticism, but on a strange virus or the many zombie films, which are also based on the belief in viruses.
The entire financial system also works together with this shadow government, as do psychology, biology, history… in fact all the natural sciences. It is becoming increasingly clear that all these natural sciences and their research are sponsored by companies.
All the mainstream media and so on have agreed and planned all this in advance. There is a system to it. And that’s when you start to understand, question and grasp the second stage of awakening. You begin to see through it more and more. In theory, this is also a form of leaving the matrix, namely our worldly matrix, and one of the first steps.
Stage 3: Awakening in a Dream
This is the awakening that suddenly occurs in dreams:
“Oh, there are alternative realities, parallel worlds. I exist in many dreams. I’m not just one person…”
You suddenly remember your dreams better and you slowly realize that you have other friends in your dreams or maybe you live in a different place.
Especially those who keep dream diaries or have a very good dream memory are often familiar with this fact: you realize that you exist in many realities, that they are connected on a spiritual level and that there is a true network of selves. We are just one reality among many and you can find this out by dreaming. In quantum physics, we have already come a little closer to this.
At this stage, you may already have expanded states of consciousness from time to time, you realize that alternative realities exist and that there are also completely different dimensions. Then you suddenly become interested in astral travel and perhaps you have already experienced astral travel and realize that you are not just the physical body after all.
Some people say: “Yes, but my dreams are always so abstract and crazy and fuzzy. And I can’t imagine that these are other realities if the dreams are so confused. Illogical, blurred and the like…”
In this case, this is not an indication that alternative realities cannot exist. Nor is it an indication that the existence of alternative realities is nonsensical, but rather that it is due to the lack of ability of the dreamer and his perceptual apparatus.
If the dreamer is not sufficiently trained in dreaming, then the dreams also appear confused or illogical to him. And so it is hard to imagine that we are dealing here with the perception of alternative realities. This is also the problem, which is why dreams are often only seen as a processing of reality or as pointless brain fire when we are asleep or believe that it is a brain haunting in our head and just random different scenes that simply arise in the brain.
No, it is due to the dreamer’s inadequate ability. It’s like saying: “I couldn’t swim today because of my swimming trunks.”
The better educated the dreamer is, the more he has dealt with the subject of dreams, the more clearly he dreams and then recognizes that every dream has its own continuity, just like everyday life.
These dream realities continue, even when you wake up in your bed. You visit them at night and catch some scenes from these parallel realities. It may be that you dreamt something in 2010 and in 2012 you visit the dream again. And then you suddenly realize that something has changed. This means that the dream realities continue to run independently, regardless of whether the dreamer visits this dream reality or not. This is because these selves in the other alternative realities are just as real as you are.
Stage 4: The Illusion of Ego and Duality
This goes in the direction of freedom of judgment. This does not mean that you immediately dissolve the ego, but that you see through duality. You go more into your heart, listen to your heart and feel your inner heart. You go more into love and let things be as they are, without condemning, judging or evaluating them. This doesn’t exactly mean that you have awakened at this point and then everything is fine. It is a process that you go through.
The more you realize that this is all just an illusion and that the matrix is structured in good and evil, i.e. dualistic, the more you go into your heart.
In the fourth stage, you have also strengthened your empathic abilities. This means that you are able to put yourself in other people’s shoes very well and also perceive their perspective; you realize that any consideration of any situation, any matter, is only a matter of perspective. From this stage onwards, you learn to gradually abandon this dualistic way of thinking. You suddenly not only understand the hero in a movie, but you also begin to understand the villain. So you can understand both, both sides. Not just Batman, but also the Joker.
So you can start to understand: “Ah, Batman has good intentions, but works for the system and knows nothing about the Deep State. And the Joker doesn’t always do good, but he fights the system and knows about the Deep State and wants to overthrow it.”
You realize that good and evil is really just a matter of interpretation and is defined by that. Every person always acts from the perspective of the constructive and actually wants to contribute to improving the world.
Every person is a subject and therefore thinks subjectively. Regardless of whether they are a scientist, a politician, a banker, a superhero or a villain. These are all just labels used to categorize good and evil – from the perspective of the respective interest group.
And that is precisely what you recognize in the fourth stage of awakening. You rise above duality. You realize that duality is simply a perspective or a classification of what is good for you and what is evil for you, and everyone decides this subjectively. There is no objective view or classification of good and evil. It is always subjective.
As soon as you leave duality or have seen through duality, the chakras open up all by themselves. This is because the blocking of certain chakras is also based on your own dualistic thinking.
Level 5: Lucidity in Everyday Life
If you deal with dreams and alternative realities and reach the state of lucidity (see lucid dream), which means that you realize that you are dreaming while you are dreaming, then you also realize that every reality is a dream.
And as soon as you have achieved this and reach this state more and more often, at some point you start to question everyday reality – quite automatically, you have no other choice. So at some point, when you have been lucid dreaming more often, you start to think: “What is everyday life? Everyday life is actually just an alternative reality. Just like the alternative realities I’ve been in so often in my dreams…”
And if you manage to become lucid in everyday life at some point, then you have the opportunity to wake up in true reality.
So “lucidity in everyday life” means that you actually come to your senses in everyday life. And that’s when you realize that everyday life is also a dream, or another alternative reality in which you have been living every day.
But a small warning at this point: recognizing your dream or your life as a dream is often shocking, because you then think: “What, my whole life is just a dream? This can’t be happening!”
A gifted dreamer experiences first-hand that every dream is just as physical and solid as in everyday life. It’s all just a question of perspective, interpretation and programming on the part of the everyday dreamer.
As soon as you recognize this everyday room, you can leave it and then all other alternative rooms are open to you and you can switch to them freely. Perhaps you would rather be in a reality in which you are healthier or you would like to be in a reality in which you are happier or you would like to be in a reality in which you are much more talented and creative.
In this realization you can experience strong fears because you then recognize your whole reality as a dream and also realize that you have to let go of your usual everyday reality. As a result, you realize that you are just an avatar within this everyday reality.
It’s almost like playing a game on the computer. Let’s say any computer game. You move the character across woods and meadows and at some point you are inside the game. You are this character and you identify with it. And at some point during this game, days, weeks, months, years later, you realize: “Damn! That’s not me at all! I’m controlling myself from the outside all the time.”
Everyday life is one dream among many, many other alternative dreams.
Stage 6: The true Awakening from the Dream
As soon as you have become lucid in everyday life, the next stage begins. The next important step. And that is to wake up on the “other side”. We have a left and a right self. We are actually made up of these two selves. And after becoming lucid in everyday life, we take the courageous step of waking up on the left side.
It’s a bit scarier there than here, but it’s unavoidable. In the sixth stage of waking up, waking up is meant literally. This means that you actually wake up on the other side of reality. You wake up as a dreamer, so to speak. Just as you wake up every morning in everyday life here, you wake up there.
But the sixth stage of awakening requires everyone to not only manage to wake up on the other side, but also to stay there! In other words: here, in everyday life, everything is really let go and you stay there in the true reality. That is the true reality, i.e. the true self.
There you are also the self that originally intended to project a part of yourself into the familiar everyday reality. And being awakened there also means that these great parapsychological abilities, the psi-skills that you can achieve in this way, are quite possible in their application. You can project yourself anywhere you want there. There you can also teleport or use psychokinesis, pyrokinesis, interdimensional travel, time travel and much more, because you are the awakened dreamer who has recognized everyday life as a dream.
Every gifted dreamer knows what is possible in a lucid dream and many things are possible there, even in everyday life.
Stage 7: Awakening in the Matrix Shell
Waking up in a cocoon is the perfection of awakening. You realize that you are actually in the matrix shell. This is a shell around you in which every living being has been encapsulated from morning to night. No matter what reality you are in, you are always in it, or that is where you really are.
And only there can you perceive your current everyday life, the video you are watching at this moment, i.e. the environment in your own room or wherever you happen to be, on the inner wall of the matrix shell.
You could almost say that you are in a 3D to 4D movie theater. However, there is only a single seat in the matrix shell.
Since every living being sits in such a shell all alone, every person you meet is a projection. Take two people, each of whom sits in such a matrix shell. They are only in contact telepathically – that’s all.
Now you subconsciously ask each other what you look like, what clothes you are wearing, where you live, what car you drive, what your home looks like, and so on. This information is exchanged telepathically between these two matrix shells in a matter of seconds.
You then project the information as a projection onto the inner wall of your individual matrix shell.
Once this 7th level has been reached, you are fully awakened spiritually.
The next step would then be to open and leave this matrix shell. In this way, you leave all the matrices that were created digitally and enter the true universe.
See also:
Youtube video on the topic