truth about michael jacksons death
Uncensored News

Michael Jackson: The Truth about his Death

Seven years after the death of the King of Pop… Michael Jackson died of an overdose of Propofol and thus suffered a heart attack. He had just turned 50, but shortly before he died, he said, “They want to kill me!”

His family explained that it was certainly not an accident. His sister screamed in front of cameras: “He has been killed! It was a conspiracy!”

The autopsy of his dead body showed that he died from an overdose of propofol. This is an anesthetic, which is also used in operations to numb patients. Apparently, Michael Jackson had received too much of it. His personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, told the press that Michael had taken “Propofol” because he suffered from chronic insomnia due to excessive drug use.

The sleep expert, Dr. Nader Kamangar, however, said that normally no doctor would prescribe this drug if someone is suffering from Insomnia and that the home application of an anesthetic would be very unusual. It would be way too dangerous. Michael Jackson’s family doctor, Dr. Murray, was found guilty.

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The judge sentenced him to four years’ imprisonment for negligent killing. But this does not end the mystery surrounding Michael Jackson’s death, because this doctor was hired by Michael’s entertainment agency “AEG Live” – one of the largest music industry moguls of our time. Now, some people believe, that Michael’s famous song “They do not Care About Us” was an outrage against industry, banks and the music industry.

Michael Jacksons Song Invincible

Michael Jackson has planned to start a comeback with this song in 2009 with the title “Invincible”. He explained in front of the camera that the music society, which had represented him so far, would be led by a mean, devilish racist and would try to discredit his new album. From that moment onwards, his illness seemed to have grown in a mysterious way. Only in the year 2013 Michael’s family committed a lawyer, which should act against “AEG Live”. They assume that Dr. Murray had specifically committed to poison Michael Jackson with the sedative.

AEG Live, however, replied that Michael had always had complete control over his drugs and that was responsible for his own death. In order to analyze the whole matter analytically, they found out, that the amount that was found in Michael’s blood is way to much, to take it yourself, so they assume that Michael was not alone at the moment of his death. They also found out, that the doctor had “prescribed” that to Michael Jackson for years.

It is, however, quite unusual to narcotise yourself to sleep at last. a higher dose of melatonin would certainly have already done so. In addition, there are other narcotics that can do so gently and pleasantly without having to be led to the very edge of death.

Besides, Michael knew exactly what he was eating, because drugs of all kinds were not unknown to him. Thus, the presumption that the doctor killed Michael Jackson is not an absurd, but since this process went on for several years, Michael Jackson was certainly informed about it and knew quite well what was going on.

This leaves only one conclusion, that Michael Jackson wanted to be led to the edge of death and the doctor was instrumentalized for this. But why should the King of Pop have wanted it?

Michael Jackson an Alien?

Michael was obsessed with the idea of deposing his African-American origins, and he believed that he was an alien, imprisoned in a man’s body. He did not want to be “white,” but he pursued an image of which he had received the information for some reason, with technical and chemical means, that he was not a man. His legendary “Moonwalk” and his first movie with the same title show, that he felt a passion that did not go unnoticed in his life. Michael Jackson possessed all the financial means to approach his real origin, which for him was not earthly.

Of course, there are also some statements, like the statements from Elvis Presley’s and David Bowie’s death, that death had only been staged because they wanted to go to a deserted island or elsewhere. I think this is not the truth. I rather think it is possible that, on the basis of the evidence and circumstantial evidence, Michael Jackson had instructed his doctor to narcotise him repeatedly in many sessions. It may be that the doctor of AEG Live was instructed to make sure that he would never return, but Michael Jackson knew what he had done. He wanted to explore the border between life and death.

Michael Jackson and the Neverland Ranch

Find an answer to the great question of what will happen after death or at least to get more knowledge about it. Perhaps he also hoped to gain more memories that supported his belief that he had originally been an alien. The desire to regain your real identity can become a great passion once you have found a trace. Also, Michael Jackson called his estate “Neverland”, which was obviously taken from the Peter Pan story.

This story is telling of a boy who lived in the world of people and had forgotten that he was from Neverland and belonged there. Even here you can see the drive and the interests that Michael really possessed. His adversaries existed, no question, because of all the money he earned with his music, this is plausible. Just think about problems with the accusation that he has seduced children to sexual acts, leaves a lot to be accepted. Later, he suddenly dies through the narcotic that Michael and Murray had been experimenting with for some time.

Dr. Murray was responsible for several points that arose in the emergency situation with Michael Jackson so that help could not arrive immediately. Not only was there a lack of emergency equipment on the ground, nor was Murray wanting to call directly the emergency call, like he tried to get time and make everything longer than it needed to be. The question here is whether he wanted to pull it all out, so that Michael would surely die, or if he knew of him, that after anesthesia and his journey he would return after a while and consider himself to be competent enough to get him back.

What no one was interested in was the fact that Dr. Murray was in jail for two years for these inconsistencies. After they let him out, he went to the press and explained that he had always looked at himself as part of the family that Michael had constantly surrounded and nobody had ever harmed the other one. In addition, according to Murray, he and Michael were so intimate with each other that he was allowed to touch Michael’s penis every night to provide it with a catheter because he often peed in his own bed at night. He also explained that Michael wanted this death himself, over and over again. He also said, that no one paid him to kill Michael, because he earned $ 2.3 million a year with his practice. Therefore he really did not need money.

Michael Jacksons experiments with Flatlines

According to some articles about this case some say that Michael Jackson was very interested in the afterlife and asked his doctor to give him a drug that kills him for a minute to get more informations about the afterlife. After a certain time the doctor should reanimate him so that Michael can save the informations from the afterlife to the physicaal world.

Michael was, according to his statements, very interested in all sorts of drugs. He was dependent on it and with the years he was a broken man. His desire to continue living was reduced to a minimum. Michael Jackson’s daughter Paris is still convinced today that Murray could never have killed her father. Murray himself reported that he never drunk, smoked or took drugs, or even been keen on wealth and fame, his only weakness had always been a pretty face. He has seven children of six different women.

Murray said, “Michael Jackson was obsessed with reports of people who had experienced a flatline and returned from the dead. Every day I cremated him, because he always wished to have a flat, white porcelain skin. He wore slippers, socks, and pajamas every day and ate only rice with chicken. His room stank terribly. I did not kill him, Michael Jackson killed Michael Jackson.”

Even today, says Murray with tears in his eyes, he misses Michael Jackson every day.

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