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Responsible for the Content

Matrixxer LLC
3833 Powerline Road, Suite 101
33309 Fort Lauderdale
Florida, USA


Although the Matrixblogger endeavours to ensure that all information provided is correct. He does not accept any liability for the content (correctness, completeness, topicality and similars). He, however, appreciates comments concerning errors, incomplete information or information that is no longer uptodate. Please bear in mind that he offers general information for the promotion and supports of international mobility and cooperation. This does not substitute expert advice which may be necessary in specific cases. The Matrixblogger has no influence on the content of external websites he may refer to, he does not identify himself with those and therefore does not accept any liability for them. Should you discover any links leading to dubious or illicit external websites, please send him an e-mail to jona at He will then remove any such links immediately.


The publication of excerpts of his homepage is generally permitted; an acknowledgement of the source must (!) be included. This permission, however, does not apply to the reproduction of multimedia data (sound, pictures, programmes) as these are subject to separate copyrights of third parties.

Transfer of the content of the Matrixblogger site into your own frameset is not permitted. Direct access of his database via external websites is only permitted with express permission of the Matrixblogger. Otherwise a link to the relevant page on his homepage has to be created in order to access his database.

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