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Interviews with Matrixblogger

the matrixblogger books

Here you can find all actual movements of Jonathan the Matrixblogger with his projects, seminars, publications, videos, interviews, articles, writings and tour dates

February 2024
Nicki and Jonathan develope a new healing technique in kind of energy essences (elixirs) with surprising successes.

October 28, 2023
Starseed Online Kongress – Interview with Matrixblogger (Matrixxers).

October 10, 2023
The Matrixblogger and Nicki creates Rebel Base 43.

September 13, 2023
KI vs. Mensch Online Congress – Interview with Matrixblogger (Matrixxers).

June 4, 2023
Interview with Gosia Duszak about the Deep State and Carnivore Diet.

April 16, 2023
Interview with Gosia Duszak about extra-terrestral contacts.

March 1, 2023
Publishing the free seminar “The Matrix – The Light Trap”.

May 14, 2023
Publishing on Blog “Anti-Matrix

February 18, 2022
The “Matrixxer” are now on video portal Odysee.

October 10, 2021
The “Matrixxer” are now on video portal Vimeo.

January 20, 2021
The Matrixblogger leaves Mexiko and immigrates to Paraguay.

December 3, 2020
The Matrixblogger gets interviewed on the Online Congress “Time of Change” by Alicia Kusumitra with 25.000 viewers.

December 1st, 2020
Expand the YouTube Channel “Matrixxer“.

October 28, 2020
Staying in Mexico now.

September 17, 2020
Published the latest book of the Matrixblogger: “Spiritual Dissociation“.

June 18, 2020
The “Matrixxer” now in Englisch on BitChute (Youtube-Alternative).

June 2, 2020
Aurena Agathe Fohler interviews the Matrixblogger about Telepathy and UFOs

May 20, 2020
Interview with radio OkiTalk with the “Matrixxer“.

Mai 2019
Convention about “Dreams and Neardeath Experiences” at the Königsee, Austria, at

November 21st, 2018
Interview at Cosmo Radiocafé in Salzburg, Austria, about Astral Journey and out-of-body experiences (LINK)

November 3rd and 4th, 2018
Info stand in the “Wiener Stadthalle” (Topic: Healing & Spirituality)

September 2nd, 2018
Interview with “Illusion or Reality” about Astral Journeys to other Planets (LINK)

September 1st, 2018
Foundation of “The Matrixxer“, a Cooperation between Nicki Schreiber and the Matrixblogger for people who wants to leave the Matrix.

April 25th, 2018
“Out of Body to the Aliens”, Speech at AERI (Austrian Extraterrestrial Research Institute) in Passau, Germany.

April 4th, 2018
“Außerkörperlich zu den Außerirdischen”, Speech at AERI (Austrian Extraterrestrial Research Institute) in Salzburg, Austria

August 14th, 2017
The Matrixblogger begins his Youtube-Project with the video “Luzides Träumen – Traumwelten in denen wir leben” in the Waking-Life-Style

February 11, 18 and 25th 2017
Three video interviews with Alianjiari on Crete.
Links: Video 1, Video 2, Video 3.

January 2017
Interview about the Pineal Gland “Ganzheitlich-frei

August 22th, 2016
The Matrixblogger travels to Athena as a symbol for the protest against warheads in combination with false flag operations and to remind to the sense of the Olympic Games.

August 15th, 2016
Matrixblogger travels through Europe, Austria, Journey through Europe. Austria, Italy, Greece and many other places.

May 19th, 2016
Interview with Podcast Klartraum about Astral Journeys and Dreams

March 20th, 2016
Interview with MagiCast about out-of-body experiences.

March 19th, 2016
Correspondence with the known magazine “Magazin 2000” for the publication of an article

August 20th, 2016
Encounter with the Matrixblogger at the “Videoday” in Cologne

October 25th, 2015
Interview about lucid dreaming with “Podcast Klartraum”

October 22nd, 2015
Interview with Galileo at the best known tv show Pro7 in Germany with Thilo Mischke for the documentary.

October 8th, 2015
Interview with Astrolymp (see LINK)

August 31st,  2015
Interview with Wellnissimo (see LINK)

August 27th, 2015
Interview with the blogger scene (see LINK)

April 30th, 2015
Making of the documentary for television program called “Galileo”

November 30th, 2014
Portrait-Interview with the known spiritual magazine “News Age”. Edition 1/2015

November 20th, 2014
Live television interview at “Astro-TV

November 2014
Live radio interview with “OkiTalk Radio”. Link

August 23rd, 2014
Interview with “Radio Mephisto” from Leipzig about “Lucid Dreaming”. Link to Interview: Here

April 22nd, 2013
Publication and premiere of the movie “Sirius(Website) of the known “Disclosure-Projects” by Dr. Steven Greer

April 11th, 2014
Encounter with the oneironaut Alice Grinda with conversations about polyphase sleep and lucid dreaming.

January 19th, 2013
Publication of the second and longer part of the radio interview at “Radio Kulturstudio” of december 21st (see Youtube) with the subjects Astral Journeys, lucid dreaming, noorishment, DMT, Ayahuasca, pineal gland and tools for dreaming

January 5th, 2013
Publication of the first part of the interview at “Radio Kulturstudio” of december 21st, 2012, with the subjects Astral Journeys, dreams, pineal gland and the development of consciousness on planet Earth (see Youtube)

See also:
The Books of the Matrixblogger in English
Visit the “Matrixblogger” on Youtube! Great videos about all the topics that you can find within this blog.

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