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How to Telepathy (Part 2)


If there are two people at one place, they are often touched by the same fields of thoughts. The thought-fields also connect the persons and thus it often happens that both have the same thoughts and one or the other wonders about his own thoughts. I once visited a friend who had a priest as a guest. He had probably already heard of me and we were talking about the church and magic. Already in the first moments I thought about him that he was a pagan! Then I stared: Why should I think this about him? Then I realized: It was not my thought, it was his…

This makes it clear what is the main problem when learning telepathy: Who thinks what? All thoughts have the same signature, which means they have the same “identity signature”, no matter from whom the present thought comes. For this reason, for a beginner it is difficult to seperate the own thoughts from those of another person. Of course, with some practice you can learn to differentiate the thoughts, not necessarily by feeling the signature, but rather by the acquired knowledge about your own personality. With enough self-knowledge and some practice, the assignment of thoughts is easier. Such exercises run freely according to the motto: Who could have thought that…?

Telepathic abilities are important. In addition, telepathy is a normal process that is practiced every day. It is true, that imagery way sof thinking are interrogated and noticeable telepathic experiences are often noticed with others, often happens with couples or good friends, but the principles and the actual background are rarely explored and ascertained. It can happen often, that someone has a thought were he thinks that no one will ever know this thought, because who is mastering telepathy? Though according to my experience, I can assure, that telepathy is a normal ability that everyone is capable of – at least unconsciously!

At first, one can not imagine, that the one thinks and the other thinks the words literally, as if he were receiving the words with a radio. The telepathic information flows naturally into the usual thought processes. The main problem remains: one can not distinguish between his own thoughts and these of other thinkers. Thus, in this context, one has the following possibilities to react appropriately when an individualized thought is received as an untrained telepath:

You hear a certain thought and doubt it, however, because you can not imagine, that this thought is from that person. The information is given, but you doubt it wether because of self-serving reasons or you don’t want it to be true. You receive a thought, but you keep it for itself in order to assess exactly how it can be used for your own benefit.

For many people, telepathy or reading others thoughts is often too absurd, but this is due to an “egoism” created by your own ego, which immediately turns on his filters and masks this ability. The ego undermines the possible existence of telepathy and can sometimes assert or trigger the feeling that such a thing is due only to coincidences. It even conceals any indirect indication of it. It is almost like there is a personality in us who sees itself and other people very openly and as subconscious telepaths, but this is not directly conscious of the ego itself. This personality feels the slightest feelings of the person next to you and this only through empathy. In addition, the ego pursues egoistic interests and likes to hide the source of the thought. For example, the thoughts of your beloved partner. Would you like to know what your partner really thinks about you in certain situations? Because of this, I would like to distinguish the difference between pity and empathy: I define pity here as the consideration of oneself and others, taking into consideration that the person who feels compassion does not have the same feeling as the suffering person. One person is sorry for the other, but can not really understand how the other person suffers. This means, a man can not understand or feel the pain of a menstruation or a birth, since he has never experienced this before. At this point, he can only react with pity. Empathy, on the other hand, requires in each case that you also know and experience the feeling. Pity is thus a distorted feeling of empathy and is distorting the ability of the conscious to use telepathy. With pity, you simply simulate, that you know what the others feel and with empathy you’re on the same level with someone else. Pity is, in fact, diplomatic hypocrisy – to express it definitively. The more the obscuration of the recognition of telepathy, the more the pity will be reduced. The purer, on the other hand, the empathy is, the stronger the empathic abilities. The empathy has been infiltrated by the pity and should be, if possible, freed from it, in order to be able to make more conscious use of compassion, empathy, and then telepathy. I now recapitulate what is necessary to reinforce the personal and much more conscious, telepathic faculties:

Albert Einstein was a good friend of Sigmund Freud. Both have often carried out telepathic exercises and have partly achieved interesting results. Einstein has recognized the same for himself and expressed in his biography:

“A human being is part of the whole, called the universe, limited in space and time. It experiences itself its thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest, a kind of optical illusion of its consciousness. This deception is a sort of prison for us, which limits us to our personal desires and effects of a few people in our immediate environment. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by extending our compassion to all living creatures and to all nature in their beauty!” (Albert Einstein,”My world view”)

For Einstein existed telepathy and he has no doubts about it. His experiments with friends and Sigmund Freud have produced amazing results. At first, Freud attempted to eradicate the folkish beliefs that were aroused by a telepathic connection with other people (Dreams and Telepathy, see: IMAGO, Vol. 8, p. 1-22), but he later refused himself. This took its course when he met Einstein in 1910:

“I got to know Albert Einstein through the intermediary of one of his students, Dr. Hopf, when I remember correctly. Professor Einstein visited me several times, for dinner, where, Adolf Keller or Professor Eugen Bleuler, a psychiatrist and my former chief, were present. He tried to teach us the basic considerations of it with more or less success. As non-mathematicians, we had trouble with psychiatrists following his argument. I understood at least that much to receive a significant impression from him. It was especially the simplicity and the degree of his ingenious thought which impressed me immensely and did not remain without a permanent influence on my own work of thought. It is Einstein, who gave me the first impulse to think of a possible relativity of time as well as space and its psychological condition. More than 30 years later my relationship to the physicist W. Pauli and to my thesis of psychic synchronicity has developed from this stimulus.”

(CG Jung to Dr. Carl Seelig, 25.2.1953, in: C.G. Jung letters, ed. Aniela Jaffé, Gerhard Adler, vol. 2, Walter, Olten/Friborg 1972, p. 324)

This experiment was so targeted and extraordinary, that Einstein and Freud had to assume that this was only possible by telepathy (Lungin, Wolf Brass, “The True Story of Russia’s Greatest Psychic,” Paragon House, New York 1989, pp. 43-44). Einstein and an acquaintance, the well-known Russian medium Wolf Messing, were guests in Freud’s apartment. When Einstein introduced Freud to his acquaintance, Freud wanted to try a telepathic experiment in which he himself wanted to operate as a transmitter. He concentrated on Messing and sent the purely thoughtful message that he should go into the bathroom, take a pair of tweezers and pluck out three single hairs from Einstein’s beard. Shortly after, brass went into the bathroom and carried out exactly this telepathic command. Freud was visibly surprised and from then on he believed in telepathy. This had been the clear proof.

Einstein, as a physicist, was interested in a mathematical formula that was intended to remove space and time, so telepathy would have been an excellent proof for him. He later got in contact with a telepathologist with the name Upton Sinclair. Einstein wrote the foreword for one of his books and professed his belief in such absurd abilities. In a letter to Sinclair, Einstein said that humanity is not yet ready for such abilities and that his book does not find the recognition it deserves (Upton Sinclair, “Radar of Psyche”). It is therefore not surprising that Einstein said:

“In any case, it seems to me that we [natural scientists] have no right to deny the possibility of telepathy a priori from a physical point of view. For this reason, the foundations of our science are too uncertain and incomplete.” (Wilfried Kugel:” Without Blinders, Albert Einstein and Parapsychology “)

Understanding the thoughts of others unconsciously – or even consciously – and translating them into words, is an everyday process that takes place in every kind of communication. The question is, of course, whether this thought is noticed or not. It is like a river of thoughts that exist between people as they get closer to each other. When you see a person more often, this flow of thought becomes more stable until something like a connection arises. Of course, you also get to know this person in its gestures and views, which allows for safer statements about the person, but in spite of all this there exist always a scientific, unexplained but correct assessment and guessing of the other person’s thoughts and feelings.

A friend of mine came to visit me one day. She had something on her mind. I could not imagine what she was thinking about, but suddenly a clear thought appeared in my mind, which I was so surprised about, that I immediately said it out loud:

“You can’t get an orgasm!”

Then I laughed irritated, because I said it out loud so spontaneously. I considered it as a joke rather than a telepathic hit. Her face turned red and she looked at me while she was totally amazed by what I just said, and so she asked me how I could know that, because even her boyfriend does not know about her sexual problem. Despite this example, because the acquaintance probably obtained an indirect voice for her problem, it is also possible to telepathically intercept otheror foreign people.

If a person is already known for a long time, the telepathic contact may be stronger, but this is unfortunately compensated by the prejudices which some people hold against this person and the compassion which one possesses for this person. By prejudice, I understand the image that someone has made of a person under the exclusion of the existence of other personality parts, possibly within it. Unfortunately, a fixed image of a human being is built up mainly from the verbal utterances of the conversation partners, for example through the stories and the reports from the past. The telepathic information was registered, but were not the most important for the ego. However, the subconsciousness registers every single telepathic information and, if not noticed, passes it on to consciousness through intuition. This, of course, leads to a conflict, because you have your image of a person, but the intuition suddenly provides other data. Such a contradiction can sometimes be the cause of many quarrels, divorces, misunderstandings, anger, jealousy, and various other conflicts that we face in our world. Thus, telepathy or empathy is, in fact, a learnable ability, which only needs to be made aware and, if necessary, strengthened. Developing this means that someone learns to classify the respective thoughts into others and personal. As soon as you have learned this trick, there is still a lack of healthy self-confidence, so that you can also express the courage to voice the telepathically received information in front of a friend who is also interested in the training of this ability and then find out whether you have hit the mark or not. I just want this process to be explained a bit so that you are familiar with this fact. Later this ability will develop on its own. If you have succeeded in practicing atypical thought-processes at first and to relativize the pity and the fixation to an image of a person built up in the head, the telepathic tapping of other people is no longer difficult.

Therefore I want to mention two examples, the first one has to do with receiving or the former being based on receiving or tapping fragmented, emotional and individualized or intellectual information. Intuitive observation is characterized by an immediate and sudden knowledge that resembles a sense of memory and the reception of fragmentary emotional and also individualized information of the counterpart.

(To be continued)


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