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Brain on LSD: The Pineal Gland and LSD (Part 5)


In the fifth part of the theoretical series about LSD (also called: Delysid® or LSD-25) and its advantages and disadvantages, the latest researches and therapeutic uses, it is worth mentioning the interactions with the pineal gland, because in this field there are some interesting researches with positive and strange side effects.

Serotonin and melatonin the hormones of the pineal gland and the effect of serotonin deficiency

Serotonin and melatonin are the hormones produced by the pineal gland, located in the brain. Serotonin is recognized in the body as a neutrotransmitter and in higher production triggers euphoric feelings. However, this higher production of natural serotonin occurs only rarely, for example in extreme situations. Serotonin also has a strong influence on sleep and dreams after being converted to melatonin. LSD and also psilocybin-containing mushrooms (so-called magic mushrooms) are very similar to serotonin in their structure.

Likewise, they animate the pineal gland to an increased production of serotonin or provide for an increase of the existing serotonin, i.e. an increased serotonin level, which in turn is responsible for the suddenly occurring feelings of happiness and euphoria. The senses are sharpened, i.e. hearing, seeing, tasting, touching and smelling are intensified many times over. LSD also docks onto the 5-HTP receptors. This latest finding is now prompting medical researchers to consider whether they should treat people with serotonin deficiency and consequent depression with LSD….

LSD completely decays in the body after only two to three days and is 100% degraded and the LSD effect wears off. Only in a few cases it lasts longer in the body, for example in case of overdose (see overdosing) or if metabolic problems are present. To date, there are no blood or urine tests that can detect LSD in the body after the fact.

LSD as delyside

LSD was commercially available from 1943 to 1966, completely legally, under the name Delysid® from the Swiss company Sandoz (Wizard of Oz?) and was often an ingredient in one party punch or another to heighten the senses of guests and entice them to sexual actions. In 1966, LSD was banned due to the possibility of emerging flashbacks, but evidence later surfaced that the CIA had set this ban in motion in order to use it itself to conduct experiments on unknowing soldiers for the possibilities of personality programming, i.e., to create an easily influenced super soldier.

The tests, however, turned out to be largely negative; while the soldiers were more suggestible than without LSD, they were only constructively suggestible. They simply did not have the sense to kill and serve as a soldier and wished for a world of love and peace. In general, it is believed that the birth of the peace-loving Flowerpowers and the sexual revolution of the 60s and 70s resulted in part from taking LSD.


After the CIA noticed what effect LSD actually had, it tried to use it as a truth serum to facilitate interrogations or to somehow use it as a combat agent so that the enemy army might lay down their arms and run for home. But this, too, was discarded for fear that it would affect its own soldiers, and in a world where soldiers and the prospect of war are part of accepted everyday life among the people, LSD turned out to be useless for profit, army, and war. As always, the U.S. went to sufficient lengths to appear as unsympathetic as possible.

The active ingredient LSD then fell into oblivion. Only in recent years has new research brought astonishing results to light: In minimal doses, it can cure depression and migraines, increase creativity and problem-solving skills, cause better brainstorming, rejuvenate the body and mind, heighten the senses, and most importantly, increase brain activity by 70-90%. And what government or intelligence agency would want a people who use their brains so extensively and elevated?

A correct LSD dosage is not so easy to measure. In high doses, however, it triggers schizophrenic or personality-altering states, dissociation, temporal anomalies and multidimensional depersonalization. Here one moves beyond the limits of everyday life and enters new realms of consciousness, which, however, would be more appealing to the hard-core seekers among the spiritualists.

The so-called overdosing is therefore not recommended, because although it facilitates the access to deeper states of consciousness, one has the feeling of being maneuvered into these realms without control and under a certain compulsion. Whoever is interested in the topic of overdosing should therefore think twice, because it permanently changes the personal perception and one’s own personality.

Personally, I can only advise against it, insofar as one still has ties, responsibility, job, family and friends, because all these advantages of everyday life will most likely be lost. Microdosing, on the other hand, is much more pleasant and opens up completely new possibilities, not only from a therapeutic point of view. LSD is not addictive, is absolutely non-toxic and is biologically compatible even in extremely high doses.

LSD and the pineal gland

The pineal gland is thus directly influenced by LSD. It is still unclear whether LSD stimulates serotonin production or, due to its nature, brazenly exchanges serotonin and takes its place, i.e., acts as a serotonin blocker or serotonin antagonist. But if it were to act as a blocker, this would contradict the increased euphoria associated with taking LSD. Therefore, it can be assumed that LSD will exert the effect on the pineal gland that is appropriate for the personality in question. However, one should be prepared for the fact that the normal course of the pineal gland will be changed.

Thus, a person who simultaneously follows my “Activation of the Pineal Gland” series and works to rid the pineal gland of fluoride and decalcify it may experience quite different effects than a person with a calcified pineal gland. But in both cases, there is no need to fear a serotonin deficiency during or even after ingestion. After the LSD is broken down, the pineal gland will resume its normal activity.

However, what are the long-term effects of microdosing can be found out only by practical application. Presumably, it helps to hand the personality a key with which it can learn to trigger more brain activity and to achieve this permanently until microdosing is no longer necessary.

“Food of the Gods”, Terence McKenna
“Homological Scaffolds of Brain Functional Networks.”, Petri, G., P. Expert, F. Turkheimer, R. Carhart-Harris, D. Nutt, P. J. Hellyer, und F. Vaccarino.  Royal Society Publishing. Journal of the Royal Society Interface
“Can Sub-Perceptual Doses of Psychedelics Improve Normal Functioning?”, Dr. Ph.D. James Fadiman
“Magic Mushrooms Create a hyperconnected Brain.”, Live Science, Tech Media Network, 29 Oktober 2014
“Handbuch der Rauschdrogen”, Schmidbauer, W./Vom Scheidt, J., Frankfurt am Main (2004)
Wellhöner, H.: “Pharmakologie und Toxikologie”, Lindhöft (2014) (zum Text)
“Principles of Neural Science”, Fifth Edition, Eric Kandel u.a., McGraw Hill, New York 2013
“Lexikon der Neurowissenschaft”, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Berlin 2000
“The Pharmacology of lysergic acid diethylamide: A Review”, Passie, T., CNS Neurosci Ther. 2008 Winter;14(4):295-314 (Zum Volltext)
“LSD – Mein Sorgenkind: Die Entdeckung einer Wunderdroge”, Hofmann, A., Stuttgart 1979 (zum Text)
“The Psychedelic Renaissance: Reassessing the Role of Psychedelic Drugs in 21st Century Psychiatry and Society”, Sessa, B., British Journal of Psychiatry, London 2012 (zum Text)
Image of brain scan: Dr. Carhart-Harris

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Use/Application according to (EC) No 1924/2006 European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Food supplements are not a substitute for a balanced diet. Keep out of reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. In case of bad reaction to the product, discontinue the product immediately. Please consult your physician if you wish to use dietary supplements or medicinal herbs of this type and are also receiving treatment for a medical condition, as well as if pregnant or nursing.

Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006 of the European Parliament restricts nutrition and health claims made on foods. Thus, as of December 12, 2012, claims referring to the nutritional effects of foods and dietary supplements may no longer be made as in the past.

The Matrixblog serves only to educate in the subject area of mind-expanding substances and the understandable presentation of various misconceptions on this subject. In no way should such substances be glorified or encouraged to consume. The goal is to contain possible risks among consumers and interested parties through education and to create a general knowledge base for a differentiated exchange of opinions. For a differentiated opinion, it is not enough to obtain information from only one source. Drugs of any kind are dangerous, legally as well as illegally. Use/Application according to (EC) No 1924/2006 European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

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