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Activation of the Pineal Gland: A Summary up to Present (Part 16)

Pineal Gland Activation and decalcify the pineal gland

Some diligent readers have reported that they are interested in the topic “Activation of the pineal gland“. On the basis of the many parts that are available up to the present time, it is perhaps understandable to get a nice overview presented. As a faithful writer of my readership, I have considered not only to present the many sources in the present summary, but also to provide access to all previous parts and references. In addition, it is certainly extremely handy to get the most important points at a glance. Also there have been a lot of demands on dosages and times of use and the like in order to descale the pineal gland in the best way. I would like to point out that I have volunteered personally and as a test rabbler for my researches in this area, and I am trying to find various food supplements and certain food combinations to avoid, dissolve and dissipate the fluoride…

I do not recommend imitation as it is an unexplored area, but whoever does it anyway, of course I can not prevent it. Unfortunately I also had to realize that some of my texts on this research only sum up a part of the given information and therefore not only show the whole information existing, and therefore wrong dosages can be applied. This can be very unpleasant in the case of Borax, this once just as an example. Therefore, an overview might be a good idea, as some had suggested to me.

It was thus found that fluoride finds its way to the pineal gland almost magically in the middle of the brain and calcifies it. In this process, a lime capsule forms around the pineal gland or particles of the fluoride appears as particles within the pineal gland. This capsule of “chalk” does not come from within a day or a month, but develops with the years of regular fluoride intake that is found in our food and other products.

Since fluoride has not only the ability to deactivate the pineal gland, but also because of the fact that it has to do with a nerve depletion, the physical body is also burdened with health. The statement that fluoride is good for the teeth and helps get rid of caries, is unfortunately a huge lie. It is a poison, and since it does not degrade in the body, it has the effect, as if all the fluoride absorbed, had been thrown in at once. As a result, it has some effect.

Wikipedia says: “Chronic ingestion, even small amounts, can lead to poisoning (fluorosis), which is caused by damage to the skeleton, teeth, lung function, skin and metabolic disorders.” However, Wikipedia is certainly not the only one source. Further at the end of this article.

Fluoride Precipitation: Most of the fluorides, that humans take, is to find in water, salt, toothpaste, fluoride lacquer (as a dentist uses), aspartame, many cosmetics, fog machines in clubs, tranquilizers, and within valium tablets, antibiotics, neuroleptics and psychopharmaceuticals.

Diseases of the liver and kidneys, musculoskeletal system, joint diseases of the liver, kidney Leg and back pain, rheumatic symptoms, tooth fluorosis, and much more. Psychological problems with fluoride intake: The formed lime capsule insulates the abilities and the use of the pineal gland and thus the function of the so-called 3rd eye. Intuition, reading between the lines, perceiving subterranean messages, recognizing manipulations, lucid dreaming, astral travel, clairvoyance, remote viewing, and so on. Such abilities can be insulated by these limescale capsules. This is a hindrance to personal spiritual development. Of course you can fight with this hourly meditation or psychedelics against this disadvantage, but the pineal gland in the decalcification support, can save a lot of meditation and effect an automatic process. In this case, however, you should not limit the meditation completely and you have to approach the problem not only consistently but also mathematically.

Strategies: The strategy is mainly composed of three measures:

1. Avoid further ingestion of fluoride

2. Ingestion of aids for the decalcification of the pineal gland

3. Ingestion of aids for the elimination of the fluoride measures to avoid the further ingestion of fluoride: Use in the future Substitute products without fluoride, for example fluoride-free bio-toothpaste, also use fluoride-free water, change to fluoride-free salt, eat less meat and, if only, poultry, avoiding cheese, milk, beef, pork, green and black tea, fish, seafood, spinach, liver, eggs, caviar, white sugar, whole grain, rye, barley.

If you take it precisely, you should also avoid the tap water, just keep out what comes out of the water tap and replace it with water from a dwell or fluoride free water. Measures for the reactivation or stimulation of the pineal gland and decomposition of the chalk capsule: The best results have been obtained from the use of cedar nut oil (1 tbs daily) and/or coconut oil, as well as the notorious Activator-X – it is a Cod liver oil of a chimera/skate [Blue Ice Cod (or skate) liver oil)] or that of the sea cat with 8-12 capsules daily for up to 3-6 months. Alternatively, it can also be tried with Chlorella Spirulina (25-30 tablets a day!).

Further alternatives are a mixture of bentonite and zeolite. It is best to take fine powder instead of normal powder. Dosage Powder: 3 times daily 1 heaped teaspoon. Powder: 3 times daily half a teaspoon and capsules: 3 times daily 2 pieces with plenty of water.

Measures for the elimination of the fluoride: Melatonin helps with the discharge, in order to get the fluoride decomposed from the calcification capsule again from the body (before sleeping take a capsule with 5 mg) and in the further course you can increase the dose to 10, 15, 20 and up to 100 mg. Borax can also be used for this purpose (300-400 mg daily).

Additional nutritional strategies:

Is not a duty, in the case of pineal gland, but the basic diet has proven to be good for the body in general to detoxify, to make healthier and even a lot of fat – without having to be hungry! There is a nutritional guideline that I have tried and tested myself, which is very easy to understand, but not always easy to maintain. How exactly everyone wants to use it is, of course, left to everyone. I am talking about a nutritional method that not only makes healthier and fluoride-free, but also spells out the dream figure again! For 2-3 years (or best forever) the food is as fresh as possible: water (the meantioned water above), herbal tea (with water like that), everything on potatoes (chips only with rapeseed oil), everything fresh Fruit, fresh vegetables of all kinds (except spinach, tomatoes, aubergines, nuts and yeast), all moderately to poultry (for non-vegetarians), fresh salads of all kinds, fresh mushrooms, only moderate oils (best coconut oil or cedar nut oil), dressing only moderate vinegar (never sunflower oil!). This list looks quite small, but vegetables and salads are very many.

All I have not mentioned here should not be taken. The good news is you can eat as much as you want! So you do not have to stay hungry all the time. In the sense it is actually no diet, but almost a basic nutrition. Some people can change their diet in one go, while others go step by step to get used to the transition. However, the effect is wonderful and you get well again, allergies and intolerances dissolve, the figure that body and ego desires, returns, and the well-being and the ease adjust themselves automatically with time.


There are some techniques that can animate the pineal gland. This includes, among others, my specially created MP3 “Activate your pineal gland”, which you can order in my shop. Anyone who is financially not so fluid, and anyway, in addition, can use my free-of-charge techniques that I have specially compiled. Just use the search term”Techniques“.

Possibilities for the Hardliners among us:

As always, there are also special hints for hardliners from me, those who are very impatient and want to come to super-fast results – if possible. Caution: Only at your own risk! I do not recommend imitation! I just say how I would make it. So do not blame me for misunderstandings, unpredictable effects or mental or physical problems that can be associated with it! One acts here totally self-responsible! I advise against these possibilities in principle, because they can change the consciousness and/or the body very suddenly, but for the sake of completeness they are mentioned in this article: The fastest result is high doses of LSD (1200-1600 mcg) and smokable DMT to approximately 40-75 mg per session (Attention! Both substances are illegal! So do not use it.) They simulate a completely opened pineal gland, as the blood is dumped with DMT, which is usually restrained by the calcified pineal gland.

The gentle and legal method for hardliners, on the other hand, would be to take Borax, a wood cleaner daily for a maximum of 300 mg (for women) or 400 mg (for men). This is taken for 5 days in one liter of water daily (allowed water see above) and then takes place on the weekend for 2 days. This is done for four weeks. Then a week break. Then back again. After three months, a break of one month is inserted to see how the pineal gland reacts to it. If in the course of time no physical problems arose and one feels good, one can try another round. Caution: If you take Borax, you should also consume calcium tablets, since Borax not only excels fluoride, but also calcium. Anyone who carries kidney stones on a calcium basis with it, must expect that they want to leave the body necessarily. This can sometimes cause renal pains or pain during urination. The teeth can also hurt when there is fluoride or calcium in them. In this case, reduce the dosage. Remember: Borax is easily removed by the body, but it is toxic if you take too much.

I hope this is a nice overview. If I should have forgotten something essential, I am open for additions, of course, and can quickly add them to this summary. So I wish you a lot of success with the decalcification of the pineal gland! If all this is not sufficient, you can find the links to all other parts of my pineal gland research, or register for a workshop, where everything is explained in detail and individually. All parts are available under part 1

*Cedar oil is not always cedar nut oil! It also always depends on the preparation of the oil. Very good is the strongly healing oil by Anastasia (but very expensive!). There are other oils. As a test for an oil could be to said: If there is no slight pressure on the forehead after 3-7 days, then you should look for another oil.

– Fluorid Action Webseite

Interview mit Peter Peterson
Bezugsquelle Activator-X
Bezugsquelle Vitamin K2
Bezugsquelle Vitamin K2
– youtube.com/watch?v=_kCxjnHpG50
– youtube.com/watch?v=Szp6xn9exXc
– youtube.com/watch?v=kzgKA5zMitQ
– youtube.com/watch?v=x7wxipDEGEE
Material Safety Data Sheet -Sodium fluoride MSDS
Material Safety Data Sheet – Fluosilicic acid MSDS
FLUORIDE OVERDOSE: National Institutes of Health – POISON CONTROL
Fluoride Action Network
Scientific Facts on the Biological Effects of Fluorides
Why EPA’S Headquarters Union of Scientists Opposes Fluoridation
– FLUORIDE … The Aging Factor
– How to Recognize and Avoid the Devastating Effects of Fluoride
John A. Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D. (1943-2000)
The Greatest “Scientific” Fluoride Fraud Yet?
50 Reasons to Avoid Fluoridation
Fluoridation: Governmentally Approved Poison
– Fluoride does not reduce cavities and does causes brittle bones and a soft brain
Fluoride: A Chronological History
Oregon Federal Judge Hands Darlene Sherrell a Major Victory Anti-Fluoridation Milestone
– Michigan Mandatory Fluoridation Law Repealed
– Frequently Asked Questions about Fluoride
Is Fluoride and Fluoridation Causing/Contributing To Cancer & Other Diseases
Dare to Think — A Message About Fluoride, written by Darlene Sherrell
Fluoride Poisoning Symptoms
Fluoride Health Effects Database
How to Detox Fluorides from Your Body
Fluoridierung in the world (Übersicht)
DMT – Trailer
Terence McKenna über DMT
Terence McKenna Thesen
– Book: “Vorsicht Fluor”, Bruker, Rudolf Ziegelbecker, 1995
Infowars Youtube-Video
University of Maryland
– US-National Institute of Health
– Buch: “Molecule of Consciousness”, Rick Strassman, 2001
– Buch: “ELF, magnetic fields, breast cancer and Melatonin: 60 Hz fields blocks Melatonin production”, R.P. Liburdy und T.R. Sloma
– Buch: “The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland”, Dr. Jennifer Luke, 1997
– Buch: “The Pineal”, Teil 4, Russel J.Reiter, 1979
– “Borax”, Walter Last, E-Book
– Buch: “Travelguide to other dimensions”, Ph.D. Jeanette Woldman
Interview with Peter Peterson
Vitamin K2
Vitamin K2

Material Safety Data Sheet – Fluosilicic acid MSDS
FLUORIDE OVERDOSE: National Institutes of Health – POISON CONTROL
Fluoride Action Network
Scientific Facts on the Biological Effects of Fluorides
Why EPA’S Headquarters Union of Scientists Opposes Fluoridation
FLUORIDE … The Aging Factor
How to Recognize and Avoid the Devastating Effects of Fluoride
John A. Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D. (1943-2000)
The Greatest “Scientific” Fluoride Fraud Yet?
50 Reasons to Avoid Fluoridation
Governmentally Approved Poison
Fluoride does not reduce cavities and does causes brittle bones and a soft brain
Fluoride: A Chronological History
Oregon Federal Judge Hands Darlene Sherrell a Major Victory Anti-Fluoridation Milestone
Michigan Mandatory Fluoridation Law Repealed
Frequently Asked Questions about Fluoride
Is Fluoride and Fluoridation Causing/Contributing To Cancer & Other Diseases
Dare to Think — A Message About Fluoride, written by Darlene Sherrell
Fluoride Poisoning Symptoms
Fluoride Health Effects Database
How to Detox Fluorides from Your Body

Interview with Professor A.K. Susheela
Interview about relations
“Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards”. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. ISBN 0-309-10128-X
“Eat to Life”, Dr. Joel Fuhrmann

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